Tuesday, July 8, 2008

i love it when the girls stop by for the summa..for the summa

some photos from moab right after finals...

patrick is so HOT right now. this was such a fun trip and i am truly grateful to everyone who went and pitched in their little tidbits of fun! we should do it again.

ok so far this summer is beautiful. the nights are not too hot and i guess since i spend all day in an air conditioned office..things could be worse! i'm sure all of you know that i spent a month riding the bus, that was fun but i'm glad that it is over! due to my best friend devouring the twilight series, i decided to pick them up too. i just got done with new moon and cannot wait to move on to eclipse!

best decision of summer 08: bought a lagoon pass. its what fun is! and if you would like to go with me just call i am always all about going with anyone anytime! i love lagoon!

t-minus: 16 days, 5 hours until i leave for new york city! we're going to visit the city for a week and catch a yankees game. interesting fact: the name yankees originates from the name john case when he settled the bronx (it was not the bronx at the time but that is the geographic region he settled). the natives couldn't pronounce his name and eventually it evolved into the word today, yankees.

well pretty much my favorite pasttimes are either biking or longboarding and lately i can't get enough. usually because there is so little time in my day to make it happen. my bike just got back from the repair shop! so i'm seriously looking forward to some good rides in the coming weeks. anyone who wants to join--feel free :)

the happy kids week 2: lindsey? check. cody? check. weston? check. jeff? check. the kjar family? check. katrina and kelli? ahhh they're lost! ...or just sitting in the bleachers! go happy kids! i just joined a co-ed recreational soccer league at utah indoor soccer and its pretty sweet! we won our first two games. my favorite part of course is the becoming tradition of kevas and movie at lj's.

corey was recently checked into th icu. he went into the hospital for a regular check up and they found out he needs a new heart right away. he's not on the list for a heart, so this is a scary time! please send your prayers his way, we will all appreciate them!!

rick goes into odyssey house on monday--good news for everyone! PLEASE pray for him as well! we see bright things in his future!

i will post more pictures soon, life's good i really cannot complain. there are too many beautiful things around me to spend much time on any of the ugly.


katrina said...

HAZzAH!!! YOU UPDATED. SORTA. cute photos.

katrina said...

NICE UPDATE! really. you are the biggest nerd. i guess thats why we are friends!

i am heidi said...

update your dang blog

ayley said...