Saturday, May 14, 2011

piktchurs galore!

last night jared so kindly reminded me that i'm gonna lose all my followers if i don't post and that its been a while. i think he is my most loyal follower. the truth is jared and i have been running around like chickens cutting people's heads off getting ready for the big day and our life to follow after as true married people. and still finding time to party and put in some hours to rake in the cash. i decided i want to go into the bridal shower business. (as the bride of course!) you make like $1000 an hour! when you translate the value of the gifts into $$$.  we could move from city to city, make friends and fool them into believing we're "engaged", bridal showers to follow, voila! kidding guys..sort of. but really, being engaged ain't half bad.
here's a pic to munch on loves.

there's even more if you dare, but be warned, there's a ton.
if you're impressed with the photos like we are, then you have miss kate benson to thank.
if you're surprised by the moody, solemn feel of the following photos
never fear, some more, true-to-form engagements to follow (:





supermodel pix...yeahhhhhhh, and we had to do cheesy of course.



kylee said...

a die a little more every time i see these. some of the best pics out there.

Casey said...

cute cute cute unbelievably cute!

Brissa said...

jared is a liar. i am definitely your most loyal follower. these pictures made my heart smile. i love them so much. every single outfit and picture is money. aaaaand i think you should do it. make the moolah and retire young. my suggestion: go to snazzy places where the rich people live. they'll load you up with so much fancy stuff you'll have to use the money as toilet paper.

Kelly said...

ok, i dont know you but I have a love hate relationship with you and your blog. I just spent the last.... many many minutes looking through the last 578 (or something) posts of yours when I am supposed to be packing my house for a big move. Its ok. I loved every second of it. Your adorable and amazing and I hope everything goes well for your wedding.