Saturday, June 22, 2013

you know, life isn't too bad. it's contentment like a calming simon and garfunkel song. that name, simon. it sits well with me.

this week has been one of those hormonal-P-the-FUH-M-S-why-am-i-female weeks. even through the fog of woman hormones, i've been able to tell that my life is pretty good. amidst my freakings-out abouts moneys and schools and apartments, i could see that what matters is exactly and properly where it should be.

i literally thank God everyday for my beautiful life and ask him to help me be a better person. this is my religion. we are beggars all.


Emma Jane said...

These are such lovely photos. They have such a gentle air. I love it so much.

That hair in the second picture is perfect!

Em @Tightrope to the Sun

Shelby said...

LOVE these photos so much! did you take them with just a phone, or an actual camera? And what do you use to edit them, because they are just lovely!

ayley said...

yep i love these photos. bring out the camera more often.